Red Chapel

last update: 05.04.2009

Distribution of Blocks on the West and East Gate of the Vestibule

The plan above shows the distribution of the recovered blocks across the inner wall of the west gate of the vestibule after final reconstruction. The plan is based on the draft published by Burgos, F., Larché, F., La chapelle Rouge. Le sanctuaire de barque d'Hatshepsout. CFEEK, Paris 2006 and photos taken by the author.

In the publication by Burgos and Larché (and thus in the above illustration) the blocks 111 and 112 are exchanged  - block 111 is not installed on the south side of the gate, but replaces block 112 on the north side - and vice versa. The blocks were inserted correctly, because only if the the positions of the blocks are exchanged the respective scenes show the king moving into the chapel and standing before the God.

The plan above shows the distribution of the recovered blocks across the inner wall of the east gate of the vestibule after final reconstruction. The plan is bases on the draft published by Burgos, F., Larché, F., La chapelle Rouge. Le sanctuaire de barque d'Hatshepsout. CFEEK, Paris 2006 and photos taken by the author.

Several blocks from the 8 registers above the socle (Soubassement; which forms the floor inside the chapel) have been recovered.
The blocks 62 and 205 on the north side of the east gate of the vestibule were placed in the sketch of Burgos and Larché among the Grano-Diorit blocks of the door jamb, in fact they were place left of the position indicated.
In contrast to scenes on blocks made of red quartzite the decoration on the grano-diorite blocks of the jambs of the east gate go beyond the upper and lower borders of the registers. Therefore, die blocks which have been recovered are presented together on one page.

Clicking on a number or the corrected positions opens a separate page showing the corresponding block.


Copyright: Dr. Karl H. Leser (Iufaa)